Monday, June 25, 2007

It Figures

*shaking head* The glass guy came today to install the glass door for my shower. Everything was going nicely. Measure Measure. Cut Cut. Zwip Zwip. Other various and assorted installation noises. Zwip Crrrrrrack! Daymn! (that last was the installer)

The glass in the door just completely shattered. A gazillion little pieces held in place by the frame. *shakes head more*

Wouldn't you know it? The first time in the guy's sixteen years installing glass shower doors and mine is the one that earns the honor.

*sigh* It'll be next week before the door is installed.

On the brighter side, my front door is being intalled this Wednesday. The oven has been fine tuned. And the dishwasher installer, who apparently didn't receive the order about installing the dishwasher, is calling me back this evening to set up an installation date.


On Wednesday, I'm headed toward mountains! Boy, do I need mountains.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Tomorrow I take a break. A break from juggling repairs. A break from the routine. A break from uncertainty. A break from fighting fleas (they're really bad this year). Breaks are good.

I'm headed to one of my favorite places for a Worship and Music Conference, one of my favorite things to do. For the next week I'll be in the Texas hill country near the Guadalupe River, getting to sing with a choir of about 70 people. Fun!! I'm also hoping to get to spend some time sitting in one of the natural spa spots on the river, that is, I will if the predicted rains don't turn the river into a raging torrent. (boo! hiss! no raging torrents, please!)

I'll also be away from technology for that time. Not going to say I'll be away from "civilization", because there's plenty of "civilization" where I'm going, just not much available technology (or time, actually). See ya in about a week!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A "Pleasing" Aroma

Ahhhhh! The sweet (?) smell of progress! Not success, but at least progress. It's the sicky sweet, slightly tangy, high-inducing aroma of the epoxy-whatever-it-is adhesive used to permanently attach cultured marble to the walls, ceiling, and floor of a shower.

The installation of my shower is almost complete. Almost, that is, because of a flaw in the last piece of marble to be installed. Well, that and a minor repair to be made resulting from the demolition of the old tile. I'm so glad I went with cultured marble! My shower looks so nice now.

It is so good to see progress. I still don't know when my front door will be making its opening appearance. If things run true to form on this project, I'll get the installation call right after I leave town for a continuing ed event scheduled for next week. *chuckle*

Monday, June 04, 2007

Different Celebration, Anyone?

While browsing the local internet sites to find something different to do on my birthday, I came across this:

Open Casting Call

For the independent film, "Flying Solo," will be at 11 a.m. (formally Nell's Place). Volunteers will act as an audience for a staged musical comedy show. Those wishing to audition should dress in solid colored clothing with no logo's or heavy patterns. Bring bottled water and be prepared to stay and film until 5 p.m. Lunch & Refreshments will be served.
"Flying Solo" is a faith-based family film that is being produced locally with a cast and crew of volunteer local talent and Lamar students. The film is a 90-minute comedy-drama set in a small city and featuring original songs sang and composed by Reginald Cooper of the Jazz Innovators. Dances are choreographed by Winetta Roy, Tina Simpson, Danielle Brown, and Shana Logan. The story follows an aspiring singer/songwriter who relocates to Texas with her aunt and younger siblings where she is challenged to conquer her fears and follow her dreams.

It certainly would be different. I'm just not sure they'd want some 50-something in their audience, and don't know if I could face the rejection. *fake cringe* I'll have to admit that there's no age limit in the cattle call ... erm ... casting call. I'm also not sure I want to be a part of anything where the grammatical errors are so blatant in just a two-paragraph announcement ("formally" for "formerly" and "sang" instead of "sung"). Not to say that my grammar is perfect.

Ah, well! I may be spending my day getting the rest of the shower installed. Guess I'll look for something a little less different to celebrate the special occasion. *chuckle*

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Baby Steps

A couple of tiny miracles occurred this weekend:

In a frantic plea on Thursday, I asked that the rain stop for 48 hours so I could get the paint on the frame of my new sliding glass door ... and it did! The wood was dry enough for the primer yesterday evening and it stayed dry until I put the main coat on today. Then about an hour later, it began to sprinkle, almost precisely 48 hours after I made my plea.

I've also spent the last few weeks perusing appliances. The whole routine, Sunday ads, Consumer Reports reviews and recommendations, lusting after controls and cycles and whistles and bells. On Friday, after painting the primer coat, I headed to Sears to check out a range, a dishwasher, and a garage door opener. While looking around, the sales clerk came by and suggested that I look at a dishwasher he had that was a demo. Wouldn't you know it? It was the dishwasher recommended by Consumer Reports as a Best Buy for almost $150 less than retail. One appliance down, four to go!

Plus, the cultured marble guys came to the house today and did the first half of their installation. One of the crew went to the emergency room yesterday, so they couldn't do the whole thing today, but Progress! I'll take most anything at this point.

Friday, June 01, 2007

A New Word

I love doing crossword puzzles, and do several throughout the course of the day. It's often intriguing to find the same word, sometimes with different clues, used by different puzzle creators on the same day. In time, you can begin to sort out which of several possibilities to try just by knowing who the puzzle author is. Generally, the puzzles start out fairly easy on Mondays, getting progressively harder through the week.

Today, one of the puzzles turned out to be a real poser (pun only slightly intended). I managed to get 3/4ths of it done, but there was one section where I just couldn't put my finger on one or two essential answers. So I hit the trusty internet and scrounged answers I thought would shed enligtenment on the remaining few blanks.

Yep! You got it! There was one which just plain turned the rest into gobble-de-garbage.

What would you have put down for a six-letter word meaning "good humored"? With a couple of spots filled with what I knew were the correct letters, I came up with 'jovial'. I already had the J and the O. But that word just didn't help me a bit when it came to the other letters. So, I continued scrounging, and learned a new word:


I like that word! I like the way it sounds and the way it feels when you say it. I even like the way it looks on the page. There's something about it that just seems "good humored". Maybe it taps into "jocularity" and memories of Father Mulcahy on MASH saying "Jocularity! Jocularity!" I don't know. But I think I'm going to try to find a way to include it in my vocabulary whenver possible.