Friday, March 02, 2007

A Splash of Paint

Well, the walls have been splashed with color. But the task's not completed. The den's finished and looks beautiful. The entry hallway is partially splashed, and the bright yellow is especially cheery. It shouldn't take too long to finish it. Most of the kitchen is gently painted with a soft white and looks fresh. The only part I couldn't get to there is filled with my piano and the one chair that didn't get relocated to the garage. Primer coats cover all those places that still need painting, so all that needs to happen is to show up in painting garb and start working.

And then there's the dining room.

The color is to be a rich, deep, purplish wine color. The first coat looked more like a watercolor wash than latex paint and used almost half a gallon of paint. For the second coat, I really loaded the paintbrush and had a difficult time getting it to cover the light spots. To put it mildly, the dining room sucks. The color isn't the color it's supposed to be. It looks almost like I painted with blood instead of latex paint. Gross, I know.

So I head back to the local paint store with gallon in hand to ask if perhaps I had a defective gallon of paint. There I learn that I should have been told about some kind of gray primer paint that helps "red toned" paints cover well. I also learn that in order to find out if it's actually defective paint (instead of defective information), I have to get the local paint company rep to actually come to my house and look at the walls. The local rep lives in Houston, and didn't answer his cellphone. *sigh* I hope I can get hold of him tomorrow. It puts a hold on my finishing the painting part of my 'return to home' project.

I'm currently not completely sure who I should be angry with - the store where I bought the paint or the paint company. Whichever, I'm not a happy camper! This was not what I needed this week. I think I'm going to just go over here and grump in the corner for a while. Don't mind me. I'll get over it!

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