Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Tunnel Vision

While this isn't a new phenomenon, it just came to my attention that I get a real case of tunnel vision when it comes to hurricanes.

At some level, the world came to an almost complete stop once Hurricane Gustav began to take aim at the northern Gulf Coast. I'm not certain if it is a function of watching Her Horriblness bear down on Southeast Texas while I was stuck helplessly watching from California, or just a lurid fascination for the potential destructive power of a hurricane. Perhaps a bit of both.

It drives me nuts almost to not know the latest info on whatever hurricane happens to have the potential to head to the Gulf Coast. Even if I'm working on something else, the impending storm lingers there at the edge of my consciousness.

I even found myself "slipping" on things that I would ordinarily have remembered: I sent an email to my church list, asking them to let me know where they were headed if they were evacuating, and reminding them that I'd be serving as 'info central' until Gustav had left the premises. To start the ball rolling, I'd intended to let everyone know my plans. I had to be reminded gently by one of my members that I'd forgotten!

Just knowing that a hurricane tipping the scales at Category 4 (at that point) was headed into the Gulf was enough to rattle me.

And now? There's a whole herd of them headed across the Atlantic. The functioning part of my brain tells me that all those beasties aren't aimed right toward the "Chute" into the Gulf. The less rational part isn't so sure that we won't have a collection of visitors in the next couple of weeks.

I'm almost, but not quite, convinced that Hanna won't just keep going west and follow the National Hurricane Center track up the East Coast. Ike's a bit scarier, but then, he's still got a ways to go before he's a threat. Josephine? Well, I really don't need Josephine the Plumber to come by to Comet-cleanse my sinks!

ACK! Gotta go! It's time for the latest updates! Later!

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