Sunday, November 07, 2010

The End of an Era

Well, sort of.

Daylight savings time has ended once again ... and will be starting up again sometime next year.

This is the "fall back" one. I usually have much better luck with this one, except for the time I set the clock forward an hour instead and arrived at church TWO hours early. Fortunately, I lived across the street from the church and could slink back to the house without anyone noticing.

My grandpa, who was a farmer, didn't particularly have anything good to say about daylight savings time. From his perspective, the cows wanted to be milked at the same time each day and it didn't matter whether the clock said 5am or 4am.

When I lived at my mom and dad's house, we had a wonderful cocker mix named Little Bit. Regular as clockwork, she ate her half can of Pard with a two dog biscuit reward for completion at 5:00pm. It would take us about two months to get her to wait until the new 5pm. Once "trained", at fallback time, she would eat at what was now 4pm (to her little mind) and then come back for a second meal at what she was convinced was 5pm.

Confusing stuff!

I know my body wrestles with the time change in each direction. True, it's worse when we "lose" an hour; however, whichever way the clock changes, I end up out of sorts for about two weeks.

Doesn't help any that the clock on my microwave won't adjust to the new setting no matter what machinations I've tried (short of turning the power off, that is). Guess I'll have to wait until the next power outage, random as they are. Won't stop me from grumbling about it though.

*grumble grumble grumble*

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