Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Whimsical Thought

If one believes that God created the earth and humanity and all creatures great and small, and declared it "very good" (Genesis 1:31, NRSV)


If one believes that our beloved pets are welcomed into God's kingdom along with us humans,


are there mosquitos in heaven?


Love, Rita said...

But, what about fire ants? And hornets, wasps, and yellow jackets?

I have to believe they have their own place, somewhere else to go, as we are promised no pain and no suffering when we get to Heaven.


SingingSkies said...

Yeah - but mosquitos was what popped into my head while driving!

There's also a text in the Old Testament which talks about lions eating straw, so maybe the critters that cause such pain and suffering get converted into sap-suckers.