Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Slip-Sliding Away

Just realized I haven't posted in a week! Not that I have anything of significance to write about. Traveling to meetings in Louisville kind of knocks the usual ebb and flow of things awry. Not a bad meeting Not a spectacular one either. We did have a dinner cruise on the Ohio River which was nice. A couple of nice conversations, and an evening spent in the hotel's spa wasn't bad either. The only major negative was that it got down to about freezing. Had to take my long johns! *chuckle* I wasn't quite ready for that yet.

Looks like I've got some more nastiness at my home to be repaired. The storage room that's part of the garage seems to be slip-sliding away from the rest of the house. I've got a huge-mongous crack growing in the drywall there. *sigh* I don't know that I'm ever going to get back on my house. Quite frustrating. And the insurance company is so helpful - "find out what the problem is, get an expert to look at it, and then we'll send out an adjuster". I don't know what the problem is, and haven't the foggiest of what expert to get to come and look at it. I suspect it may be foundational, but the house was leveled before I bought it 3 years ago and all the cosmetic stuff was fixed then. So it's probably related to Her Horribleness. BLECH!!

Maybe it'll all just float away and I can start all over again. (Nah - don't want that to happen. Just feeling a bit gloomy at the moment. Maybe a good night's sleep is in order.) Ah, well! I'm calling it quits for the night, and maybe something truly intriguing will catch my eye later this week.

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