Tuesday, April 18, 2006

With a Song in my Head and a...

I've a song stuck in my head. Not that I'm complaining - I like the song. It's our Easter anthem, well a couple of lines of it at any rate.

The piece has a Celtic rhythm to it and a wonderful, lively, moving forward kind of pace. Even though our only accompaniment was piano, I can hear an Irish flautist (or flutist - but I just love the way the first first word feels and sounds!) adding a lilt here and there, running through the melody in joyous counterpoint. You wouldn't be able to hear them in our sanctuary (too much carpet), but my mind envisions a troupe of Irish step-dancers "River Dance"-ing through the room with great energy and life, filling it with excitement. Glorious music! Wonderful words! Musical awe!

And the part where I remember all the words says, "Death has died. Christ is risen from the dead!" Yeah! That's a song worth keeping in one's head for a while. Now, let's see. Where was I? Oh, yeah! dum-dum-dum-dah-da-dum. Death has died. Christ is risen from the dead!

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