Monday, October 15, 2007


Much still to do, but I'm home!!

Please excuse the wild dancing throughout the place, but I just can't help myself. It's been over two years and I almost can't believe I made it.

There's a certain level of disarray that still exists. Mostly of the "can't do that until something else is done first" variety. I'm currently sitting on the floor, using the phone chord in the disheveled office to connect to the internet. Roadrunner and cable don't arrive until Saturday.

But this part I've been through before any time I've moved. There are curtains to put up and pictures to rehang and knick-knacks to put on their appointed shelves.

Why is it that when you move new furniture into a room for the first (or second or third) time, it never quite fits the way you expect it to? Easily solved, but a bit frustrating.

I will have to admit that this is the first time I've liked my bathroom since I moved into the house. The pink-paint-from-hell is gone (well, at least where paint is regularly visible) and I have a new mirror and light fixture. Of course, the shower stall has been replaced and looks really cool. Progress!

Now that we're here, though, I've discovered that someone apparently decided that my complete set of extended Lord of the Rings dvd's would make a nice addition to their collection. It's not definitive, yet, but they sure seem suspiciously missing. It's not like there was someone hovering around every minute to keep things from walking off, but I'm rather miffed. Harumph! At least they didn't take the dvd player, too.

In any case, I'm home! I hope I remember how to sleep in my waterbed. It's been such a long time!

Excuse me, but I think I'm going to get back to my happy dance!


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