Friday, April 23, 2010

And the Sign Said ...

... Last Call Ministries. Opening Soon.

I've gone past this building on the road from Houston to Beaumont on and off for over 30 years. For most of that time, this building has been one of the local watering holes in one of the itty-bitty towns along the way. It's been closed for the last couple of years.

Now I'm scratching my head.

Is this going to be a new bar? Or a new church? Either way, it's an interesting twist.

... 40 Water Baptisms in 2009!

This was the computer sign on one of the local non-denominational churches. Usually they post the names of speakers and worship times.

Now I'm scratching my head.

Does that mean that there weren't any baptisms "with the Holy Spirit and with fire" (Matthew 3:11)? I'm in kind of an off-center mood and, although I recognize what the church is going for, can't help but wonder a couple of things: (1) does that mean that if they had baptisms with the Holy Spirit and with fire, that they didn't happen during worship? and (2) did they get the first baptism and miss out on the second?

Why not just joyously announce 40 baptisms? Does it truly matter which kind of baptism it is? Good old Peter was finally convinced that Gentiles were to be baptized with water after the Holy Spirit descended on Cornelius and those with him listening to Peter. After all, baptism is a gift from God, whichever version you have.

... Cowboy Worship. Come join us!

I was driving to preach at a church about an hour away from home one Sunday. As I came up to the county's livestock auction barn, there was a young boy on his Shetland pony, rigged out in full cowboy regalia. Next to him, holding the sign, was his father (most likely). And several individuals were meandering around, some on horseback, some afoot, ready to ride the range after worship.

No head scratching here! Just broad smiles, and wish that I could have stopped in and joined that horse-y crowd as they worshipped God and the gifts of sky and range and critters big and small.

And the sign said ...

Alleluia! Amen!


Jason Oller said...

Most likely the Matthew 28:19 or Acts 2:38 Baptism. (I was Acts 2:38 baptized April17th btw :) ) Some of us consider water baptism and Holy Ghost Baptism to be different. (or Holy Spirit, but saying Holy Ghost makes it sound more exciting and mysterious. I say Holy Spirit sometimes, but Holy Spirit jsut doesn't sound as proselytyzistic as Holy Ghost.)

SingingSkies said...

Congrats on April 17th!

Truly, I wasn't saying they weren't different, because they are. I guess I was more perplexed that they weren't celebrating baptisms in general. Either baptism is worthy of celebration, and they don't necessarily have to come in the order we humans expect them to.

Jason Oller said...

Oh I don't believe they don't usually happen in order. And I forgot to say it, but I lilked what that sign said too!