Saturday, February 14, 2009

Pyrrhic Victory

Well, it isn't according to the dictionary definition; however, it felt that way.

This morning I went to Mickey D's to get a simple Sausage McMuffin and small oj for breakfast. I get to the window and place my order. The cashier rings up a Sausage Egg McMuffin. I say, "No! I don't want egg. I just want the Sausage McMuffin, NO egg." She rings that up ... and it's the same price!

I say, "Wait a minute! The Sausage McMuffin costs less than the Sausage Egg McMuffin. You get less!" The cashier insists that they're the same price. I hold up the line for a bit, assuming she's talking to a manager. She gets back on the speaker and repeats the total from before.


I cancel my order and drive off. I refuse to pay extra for obvious stupidity (on the part of management) or laziness (on the part of the cashier).

So, I drove 40-cents worth of gas to the next Mickey D's, got my Sausage McMuffin with no guff about that stupid egg being worth nothing, and saved 40 cents in the process.

Well, it was the principle of the thing.

1 comment:

Love, Rita said...

I would have done the same thing. (And, FYI, it was both: the stupidity of the manager AND the laziness of the cashier!)

Ignorance is rampant.