Sunday, February 26, 2006

Glorious Day!!

Much good stuff happening today! I got the official word that my roof is functional and not about to collapse on me. I was beginning to think that day would only come with much prayer, fasting, and tearing out of hair! Having at least some sense of how to go about getting the contractor to do the work correctly was helpful. I still feel sorry for those who don't know how to work the system to get things done.

Now I've gotta get the HVAC checked out (and some minor work done) and I'll have reached the point where my volunteer crews can come in and do the interior work and painting that needs to happen. It's nice to be adopted by a couple of churches to get things done. I feel very blessed!

And This morning we started our Sister Church relationship w/First, Conroe. A whole crew of them came down and provided worship for us, followed by lunch - provided by them! It was such a nurturing service! It was the first Sunday in almost 5 months that I've not been stressed out. I had things to do, but no real pressure in any of it. And the congregation was thrilled! They had a wonderful time - new people to tell their 'tree stories' to, and new relationships started. Good stuff!

What a wonderful end to the weekend!

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