Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Walls! I have walls ......... and ceilings!! It's absolutely incredible. A group of volunteers came in and installed the drywall and now it's being 'mudded' and then textured. By Friday, I should have the work completed on that part. It's so exciting to actually have something happen toward getting back into my home. *gleefully dances around the room*

Next up, painting! Now I've gotta figure out what colors I want. Painting itself may not happen until week after next. I'm heading up to see my son's senior recital, so won't be available to do the painting next week.

And, no, I haven't forgotten that the attic needs to be insulated. That phone call's happening tomorrow!

I'm not predicting move-in dates, but things are looking up! *can't sit still any longer ... starts dancing again!*

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