Friday, November 24, 2006

Home Again

Sorta home again, at any rate. For Thanksgiving, the pup and I wandered over to Houston to celebrate with Mom, and we went to all the trouble of *chuckle* getting dressed and driving to Cracker Barrel to stand in line with a whole bunch of others for turkey and dressing.

It was a glorious day and, while we waited, I had a blast wandering through the store part looking at the candies we used to buy at the Wag-a-Bag and the games that have been around for generations, like Tiddly Winks. Those pleasant memories are good anchors when one seems to be wandering in exile.

No, we didn't prepare our own turkey and dressing or all of the other parts of a 'traditional' Thanksgiving dinner; however, it's not the meal or even where it's eaten that's important. It's who you're eating with, the sharing around the table, the memories, the roots, and the connections of futures to come that provide the meal's richness. And, of course, we both ended up stuffed and had to take our pecan pie home! (That didn't stop me from eating a second meal later in the evening when a friend of mine who came over to visit needed a bite to eat and we ended up at Cracker Barrel!)

Connections - rootedness - I'm thankful for these. Doesn't mean I end up staying in the same place, doing the same old things. Even when temporarily uprooted, as I am right now, there are people and places where I draw strength and comfort. Over the years, my Thanksgivings have been spent with family, with friends, with church members, at home, and at home. Hard to put that last 'at home' into words, but it's more than the place which has made it home. Some of what made it home yesterday was having my son call and hearing that he's feeling positive about his music again, making plans for turning that dream into a reality, and that he'll be in this neck of the woods for Christmas. *very big grin*

I still wish I were all the way home. It's been over a year since I slept in my own bed! I'm hoping things may be livable again before Christmas. All of the work won't be finished by then, but not everything has to be done before I can move back in. Things are progressing. It's possible to enter my house and not see studs or rafters!! I am so thankful for the progress that's been made!! Texture and paint and insulation and carpet, then I'll head back home.

I am incredibly thankful for the place I've had to stay in while putting the pieces of my house and my life back together. What an awesome blessing! This congregation has uplifted my soul since I've been here, and have been so supportive in all that has happened, especially since Her Horribleness blew through.

They aren't the first awesome congregation I've encountered. With very few exceptions, the churches I've been a part of as an adult have helped me through some difficult times and have encouraged me to grow in many ways. My congregation here has helped me to heal from an encounter with one of the exceptions. Even with the exceptions, I've always come away with lasting friendships that have enriched my life and experiences that have given me wisdom (I hope) and the assurance that I don't go through life alone.

And then there's PsychoKat and Penny! (to completely change course in mid-stream) I've received the comforting chewing outs that I so richly deserved for bringing that dog to my mom's house. The two finally held a tentative encounter today (three days after we got there!) without the cat freaking out and heading for the proverbial hills (or under the bed, to be more precise). It will be a real hoot on the day when we all return home, PsychoKat included, and Mom will be thrilled to be able to make her bed in peace once again!

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