Monday, October 30, 2006

Ready for Syndication

Well, not really. I just happened to notice that this is my 100th post. WOOHOO!!

TV shows celebrate their 100th episode because it makes the possibility of a syndication run more lucrative. I thought I celebrate my 100th post simply because I managed to make it this far!

This is actually quite an accomplishment for me. The whole blog thing was an experiment, one which I didn't expect to last more than a month or two at the most. In some respects, this is like journaling, and most of my journaling experiences tend to last a week, maybe two, before wandering off into oblivion. Of course, most of my journaling has been totally for private consumption. Since I already know what I wrote, why go back and look at it again? *shrug* BO-RING!

Blogging has a different flavor. True, it's still mostly for my own benefit. Putting things down "in print" has a discipline to it which journaling doesn't. If the potential exists for someone else to read this, then I should strive for some sort of coherence and logic. I'm not always successful. I'm notorious for skipping over the one bit of information which makes the significance of a bit of rambling make sense.

All in all, though, I've had fun. Hope you've had fun, too, or gleaned a tidbit of information here and there. So.......... celebrate .... celebrate .... dance to the music!


Love, Rita said...

Congratulations on your 100th post! (And for what it's worth, to me, it has been quite coherent!)

I enjoy reading your posts, they take my mind off of my mundane day-to-day irritants. (The ones that find their way into the pages of my blog.) I blog because I lost most of my friends in the war (the "drug war", so to speak) and it's cheaper than a therapist.

So, congrats, again! I look forward to reading your next 100 posts!

Ron Franscell said...

Woo-hoo! 100 is a big number. If you count your gracious posts at my blog -- and others, I'm sure -- you probably have postings in the thousands!

Congratulations, my friend!