I can't believe it! There's drywall sitting on the floor in my house waiting to be installed. WOOHOO!! I'm not precisely sure when the crew is planning to do the actual installation. Assuming the weather holds, it'll be sometime this week.
I do have one part that's going to have to have some more research done before this is all finished. The huge crack in the storage room isn't the result of a problem with the foundation. (whew!!) The question now is, "OK, what caused it?" Someone suggested the framing might be cracked/crushed nearby. It's at the far end of the house from where the tree came in, so I don't understand how that could have happened ... unless when the limbs that came down from my other tree and blocked the gate area, it caused some internal damage. Hmmmmm.... sounds like a case for ER!
Just the vision of covered walls and hidden rafters was enough to inspire me to do some shopping for the furniture I need to replace. Fortunately, I only have two pieces to replace, but the color scheme on the sofa/love seat were essential to have in place before I select the paint and carpet. One interesting criterion: dark enough so the dog/cat hair won't be too obvious! *chuckle* Do you know how hard that was? Especially since I'm also not particularly fond of leather furniture. Another factor is that I'm replacing a sofabed. They don't make un-ugly sofabeds anymore, at least, not un-ugly by my definition. (If you've bought a sofabed recently, I'm quite sure it's absolutely beautiful!)
I've yet to figure it out. When I need to make a significant purchase, like a car or furniture, I'll start the process of shopping (research, warranties, materials, preliminary scan of potential candidates, "test driving") only semi-focused on what I'm looking for, just general broad-brush ideas for what it'll be like. Next I see a style or color that seems to fit that nebulous image, but it may not be on the showroom floor. Then, out of the blue, there it will be - generally a model or color that's just been discontinued, or the last one available at the store, and I'll find it at a hugely discounted price.
It happened today! Found the perfect sofa/love seat ... the sofa was the last one in the store and the love seat wasn't even listed on the store's computers, but there they were! Plain as day on the showroom floor, and not sold or promised to anyone!! So, now I have furniture for my den. WOOHOO!!
All in all, it's been a good day. Now, let's see ... guess I'd better go haunt the paint chip aisles! Later!
Monday, October 23, 2006
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