I'm between positions ... and have been for almost a year and a half. I'm sort of between homes, since my house is on the market and it is and isn't mine.
I am neither fish nor fowl nor ...
Negative space is an odd place to be. You are part of groups, but tend to feel disconnected from them. "Let's get together sometime." But sometime never seems to materialize. There is an element of non-belonging which makes your ideas and contributions a bit suspect, no matter how valid they may be.
It's part of why my poor little blog has been ignored recently. It's hard to focus on negative space.
But when you do, there may be something incredible to discern. I've always been able to see both the faces and the vase, or the hag and the beautiful lady, or the people and the moth.
Maybe I just haven't found what I'm supposed to see yet. I've never been any good at drawing, but you often hear the art teacher tell the students to draw what isn't there. For example, color in the space around the legs of the chair, until what's left is what you were trying to draw - a chair.
Negative space isn't necessarily a bad place to be, but I'd really like to find my way to something positive for a while. Yes. I think I'd like a metaphorical "chair". Not to sit on, mind you, but to stand on and shout to the world, "WOOHOO! I'm not just the outlines anymore!"
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