Saturday, March 22, 2008

Riddle Me This

I realize I haven't posted in a while. Poor blog! The creative juices have been focused in other areas recently.

But this just plain begs for some kind of comment. I finally got around to reading the Houston Chronicle front page. Below the fold, there's a man standing on the hood of his vehicle using a cellphone. OK - slightly odd, but not totally beyond the realm of possibility.

His vehicle is halfway submerged in flood waters and he's a good football field length away from solid ground!

Why on earth would anyone drive around a barricade to drive through water that's obviously more than a couple of inches deep?

Does this person NEVER watch tv and has he NEVER seen vehicles floating downstream on even relatively small amounts of water over the road? This kind of thing just totally bamboozles me! What the heck was he thinking? I sincerely hope that the government rescue units that were required to get this idiot back to solid ground have a way to charge him an arm and a leg for his stupidity. Perhaps that, plus the major expense of repairing his vehicle (if the darned thing doesn't end up floating away downstream and getting destroyed in the process), might make him think twice before trying that stunt again.


Love, Rita said...

Welcome back! And this is why Bill Engvall had such a hit with "Here's your sign!"

Enjoy this amazing spring weather. After about a week or so, you know we move right into summer: hot, humid, and stagnant--regardless of when the calendar says summer starts!

SingingSkies said...

Indeed, quite true! But then maybe the last of the outside painting can get done. *chuckle*