Wednesday, January 02, 2008

A New Year Already?

2008 snuck up on me. It can't be 2008 already!! I mean, it's still just a couple of days past Christmas, right? Right? ... Not right?? Rats!

It's not like I really want it to still be 2007. Much of 2007 was spent longing to be back in my own home, a mission now accomplished. Guess I'm busy "should-ing" on myself, and that's a pasttime worthy of being left behind. "Should-ing" will only bang your head against a brick wall of futility, especially when it comes to the things one "should have done" last year!

While there are only about 6 somewhat little things to be accomplished before the mortgage inspector's happy with the tasks completed and willing to let go of the last umpty-1,000 of the insurance money, they require skills and abilities I just don't have. Well, I can paint, and probably will when the exterior conditions coincide with free time to accomplish said painting. I'm also hoping to enlist the slave labor of my son for the painting task, which may or may not be an exercise in futility.

Today is a totally beautiful day - bright blue skies, sun shining gloriously! But it doesn't look like the temperature is going to be above about 50, and the internet paint gurus strongly recommend that the temperature be above 60 if you're going to paint outside. *sigh* The Weather Channel seems to suggest that THAT might happen on the weekend ...



wait for it ...

when it's supposed to rain! So much for the weather cooperating on getting the painting done.

*very deep sigh*

Some day the confluence of weather, working conditions, and volunteer slave labor will be perfect for the completion of the tasks. I'm hoping it's soon. It'd be really wonderful for the new year to see the completion of all the house repair tasks related to Her Horribleness. I have plans for a House Blessing this year, but I'm not a-gonna do it until I can include a "Goodbye" to all of the hurricane scars on my house.

Perhaps that'll help with healing the hurricane scars in my soul.

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