Why is it that if there're two appointments, one at a specific time and the other between time x and time y, AND you've told Company Two that the only time you aren't available is during Company One's time block, Company Two arrives at the precise time you aren't available? For the most part, this wouldn't be a problem. This time, however, Company One was scheduled for the house where I'm staying and Company Two was blowing insulation into my attic (which is a very good and important thing!).
I get the call from Company Two that they'll be over in about 25 minutes, which puts them at my house about 15 minutes before Company One arrives here. I think - "Ok, this may be doable."
Wrong! Why is it that if scheduling is tight, of course that's the day you're driving a rental car and you've left your own car keys with the house key attached in the pocket of the jacket you wore yesterday? Fortunately, Company Two is willing to wait 10 minutes for me to run back and get the key to let them in.
I arrive at the house, hoping that Company One will be there a bit early so I can introduce the pupster to them and then leave to let Company Two into my house. Wrong! However, Company One was driving in as I was driving out (and they're a company I trust), so I gave him the key, warned him about LeDog, and told him I'd be back after letting Company Two into my house. Whew!
Run back to my house. Why is it that whenever time's tight every single car on the road decides they have to pass in front of you while you're waiting to make a left turn? And, why is it that in similar situations every light is red on the long cycle? I did manage to make it before Company Two needed to drive off. Let them in, then quick turnaround and back to where I'm staying (after receiving a stern admonition that Company Two will only be about 20 minutes).
Arrive at house as the Company One guy has finished with the outside stuff and he's entering the front door. Praised the pupster for being a good dog and not biting the nice man. *sigh* Chatted for 1-2 minutes, signed the appropriate papers, gave lockup instructions, jumped back in the car and drove like a bat out of hell back to my house in time for Company Two to finish up their job and pay them.
Why is it that when there's no hurry at all and the rush is over, every light is green when you get to the intersection and all traffic seems to have gone into hiding?
Go figure!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
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1 comment:
Ha ha ha! And a Mery Christmas, too!!!!
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