My brother is currently back on active duty in Kosovo, and has served in the military on active duty and the National Guard since he entered Westpoint in 1977. He and I operate from a different perspective on many things (especially in the religious arena); however, he has served this country and defended our freedom with integrity, as have so many others.
Freedom is not free. Yet it is amazing to me how many people are willing to give away their freedoms in the interest of personal security and safety. "Sure - go ahead and monitor my phone calls, read my emails, take a look at my library list and finances, tell my newspapers and magazines and tv reporters just precisely how far they can question our government! I'll cover my ears and sing la-la-la-la while you do it. Just keep me and my family safe!" Bah humbug! There is no such thing as perfect safety. It simply can't be done. Until that day when all evilness is eliminated from humanity, it ain't a-gonna happen.
Our military folk do a fine job on our behalf. Their work is important. There are many others whose work is equally important, the ones who are willing to poke their noses into those dark places where our government would prefer we not tread, who walk into courtrooms on behalf of citizens and non-citizens whose basic freedoms are being squelched, who have the audacity to work for peace, who seek "liberty and justice for all" in spite of the personal difficulties and hardships they endure, and who in even the littlest of ways continue to strive for the incredible vision started 230 years ago.
So on this Independence Day, I want to say 'Thank You!' to all of the people who give of themselves to ensure that we don't walk into the pages of Orwell's 1984 or Bradbury's Farenheit 451, who insist upon learning and thinking for themselves about the consequences of this freedom which has been so dearly won, and acting with honor and integrity that we may remain free.
Thank You! Thank You!
1 comment:
Great post SS...and thank you for stopping by my blog.
Best to you,
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