Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Current State of the Aftermath

At the moment, I'm alive, in a safe place, will someday have an intact roof to go home to, and (unlike way too many people in this area at this time) have an income I can count on. In terms of the emotional, foggy is a good way to describe it. As one of my members said when I mentioned something about only keeping up w/one thing at a time right now, "you're not ready for multi-tasking just yet!"

I've a wonderful congregation and staff (my secretary's a pastor's dream!). After the ice storm in Idabel, there was never the support and caring for each other that this congregation is expressing. It's a real blessing!

Finally met w/my insurance adjuster yesterday. I'm getting a whole brand new roof (the previous owners put a composition roof over wood shingles and the insurance company requires that repairs be done on something permanent - like plywood, not shingles), so I'm going to get to put a lighter colored roof on to save on electric bills. We've got to replace 5-6 rafters (maybe a couple more) from where the tree went in, and all the insulation in at least the main living part of the house (which was something I wanted to do someday anyway). The carpet in my den (which was completely soaked) and the carpet in my living room (which was partially wet) are being completely replaced, so now I get to pick the carpet for the main living areas. The ceiling in my bathroom has to be replaced, which will ruin the wallpaper in that bathroom, so it has to be replaced, which is wonderful because I absolutely hated that wallpaper! And the metal awning over my patio has to be replaced because it has a bunch of dents you can't see from the ground, which is good because it really looked like it was time to replace it when I bought the place (kinda musty/moldy looking but in good shape otherwise at the time). In fact, the only thing that has to be done which isn't completely to my liking is my sofabed and love seat are ruined and I have to replace them. *moan*

It's hard to say when I'll be able to get all this done, but I'm hoping it'll be by Thanksgiving. I finally have my electricity back on. They got that connected up on Monday. The rest of the street has water, but mine got turned off sometime after the storm. I'm waiting to connect up w/the water dept people and find out what the problem is. One of my members thinks that while they were picking up debris in the neighborhood, one of the trucks went over my meter and may have damaged the box or nearby line. I'm hoping it's that instead of some other damage in the house.

As to when I'll be able to do any living in it ........ shrug. We've got to get rid of that moldy insulation and sheetrock before I can stay there w/out my sinuses complaining. Once that's done, I can stay in the rest of the house. It's in good shape. It'll be a couple more weeks at least before I have telephone and internet and I really need access to the internet! I'll probably be staying part time w/members and then coming back to Mom's for a while. Alternative housing in the Beaumont area is quite scarce right now, what with all the disaster relief and repair people in town. One of my members who's in kind of the same pickle I am, but worse, could only get an apartment as near as Liberty (about 1 hour's drive away), so I might as well stay at Mom's which is about 1 1/2 hours away when I need the internet. Doesn't look like the church's internet will be back up before the end of the month, either, so that's not an option.

This has been quite an experience! It's truly had its uplifiting moments and its downers. And some real good has come out of it as well. I'm still learning about my members' journeys. *smile* This would be several hours long if I wrote of all the good things! But we've a called presbytery meeting today to set up an administrative commission to deal w/disaster relief and I've got to get dressed and leave in an hour!

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